
Fergus Cerrbél

  • supp. fl. 5th/6th century
  • (agents)
In Irish historical and genealogical tradition, a son of Conall Cremthainne son of Níall Noígíallach and father of Díarmait mac Cerbaill. Through his son he also serves as an ancestor of the Clann Cholmáin and the Síl nÁeda Sláne.

See also: Conall Cremthainne
Conall Cremthainne mac Néill
(supp. fl. 5th c.)
One of the sons of Níall Noígíallach; king of Uisnech/Mide.

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Díarmait mac Cerbaill
Díarmait mac Cerbaill
(supp. d. 565)
In Irish historical tradition, high-king of Ireland, son of Fergus Cerrbél.

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